

Bio, or something like that

Hey! I’m Lu :D

I like to say that I’m a mix of a lot of things… science, design, technology, music. Basically, a generalist.

Currently studying the Bachelor Degree in Digital Technology at Torcuato Di Tella University, where I also am a Teaching Assistant (Blockchain classes) & Research Assistant at the Neuroscience Lab. I dive deep into the realms of blockchain, but also explore the intersection of political polarization and human behavior :)

Excited about blockchain, game theory, math, politics and human behivour :)

Why would you merge Blockchain and Human Behavior? Because with blockchain, we may be able to build better governance systems. Perhaps the key to improved governance lies in understanding if we can create a more decentralized way of organizing our societies. The first step for that is learning more about how we behave.

My ultimate aim is to pursue a PhD in Science and Technology, in order to apply the knowledge I gain there into industry by building my own social impact start-up :-D Maybe getting involve in goverment too, I would like to make a meaningful impact while i’m alive.


I like to read, a lot. Follow me on goodreads!

My favourite book: “Los árboles mueren de pie” by Alejandro Casona (And Harry Potter, of course)


  • Bachelor in Digital Technology / Torcuato Di Tella University / March 2022 - December 2025
  • Professional Musician / Contemporary Music School / March 2024 - December 2026


  • Teacher Assistant & Research Assistant / Torcuato Di Tella University / August 2023 - Present

  • Tech Designer / Instituto Humai / April 2023 - July 2023

  • UX/UI Designer / Asteroid Technologies / June 2022 - March 2023

  • Columnist / Animal Político / March 2021 - December 2021

Press & things like that

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