

Projects I’ve been involved

  1. Detoxigram
  2. Morvo
  3. Sciencetifical
  4. Deep
  5. ESIxEllas



We have built Detoxigram, a tool that analyzes toxicity in text channels, explains its decisions and detoxifies messages with the goal of reducing negative interactions and promoting constructive dialogue. As far as we know, Detoxigram is the first ever toxicity classifier that also accurately explains its classifications. Detoxigram both classifies tele gram channels and provides metrics with tailored explanations of its classification.

Take a look here: Detoxigram

My Role

I was involved in the core development of the project. I was responsible for the development of the backend, the integration of the models and the deployment of the project.

Technologies Used

Python, Telegram API, Hugging Face, Azure, Next JS, React



Morvo is born after identifying that journalist compromise their lives when investigating topics such as drug trafficking, war, or mafia, in an effort to expose and change the hardest parts of our world. These heroes are left unprotected, and many times killed by those who they were reporting.

The opportunity to protect them is clear, and the technology to do so is in our hands. Not even stopping there, but also moving the power back to their hands, allowing them to be more independent with a new business model based on minting their stories.

Morvo, leveraging ZK tech, allows them to mint a credential that links directly to their identity (through World ID) and connects to Lens in order to build their own private profile where they can sell their articles. These allows for a marketplace structure where posts are made, and these are minted by newspapers for them to be published in their newspapers.

Journalists are given a profile where they can post their articles, but also track the performance these have had when published. In this way, even when posting anonymously, they still get all the benefits that may come from the article posted since these can be directly related to their identity.

Newspapers can filter from the trending topics, as well as identify the writers with better engagement, and the stories that are more successful. These can help them make decision for what they want to mint and post based on metrics of the platform.

Finally, the platform acts as a new medium for newspaper and journalist communication, bringing back the power to those who should have it, allowing them to investigate whatever they want safely, and potentially finding a niche in the right newspapers.

This project was built during ETH Global hackathon.

My Role

During the hackathon, I worked with Anonymous Actions, a feature of Worldcoin in order to anonymize the identity of the journalists. Also, helped with the front-end and the integration of the smart contracts.

Technologies Used

Solidity, React, Next JS, Worldcoin, ZK tech.



We developed an open science protocol where researchers initiate a bounty, submit a draft, and undergo peer review. After validation, they design and publish their experiment, including questions and participant criteria. Then, Survey Participants can complete the experiments. Once the experiment concludes, data is exportable. Incorporating the experiment into the draft prompts further peer review, and upon acceptance, the paper is published on a blockchain for transparency.

If you are interested in this project, you can read more at this blog post:

My Role

Along with Santi, we brainstrom the idea and developed the project, involving the front-end, the smart contracts and the end-to-end design.

Technologies Used

Solidity, React, Next JS



Deep is the first decentralized editorial. We seek to change the way independent authors publish their books. Now, authors can connect directly with readers and vice versa. There are no intermediaries who decide which books are published and which are not. Readers are the ones who decide what content deserves to be published and authors have the freedom to create without restrictions.

You can learn more about the project here.

My Role

At the time of this hackathon, I was focusing in the design of the platform. As we were a team of 3, where Tomi focused in developing an incredible app in Flutter and Santi in the smart contracts, I was responsible for the design and writing of the pitch.

Technologies Used

Solidity, Flutter



Along with the team of UEM (Unión de Estudiantes de Misiones) and UEL (Unión de Estudiantes de Lanús), we designed and launched a web platform with materials and information about Integral Sexual Education.

The web has an interactive map that identifies care and/or assistance centers, and a forum for a network of student centers to meet and discuss. We worked on refining the page, and a series of short videos for social networks with open questions about ESI taboos to be answered in the web forum.

We were financed by Casa Fusa and Impacto Digital, where we took part of an incubation program for social projects. Also, we worked along the UN and achieve an impactful campaign in social networks.

Learn more about the project here.

My Role

During that time, I was General Coordinator at the UEM, and I was responsible for the design of the platform, along with Lucia, we coordinated the team and the development of the project.