
snarkVM Report


Still in development. May be subject to changes : )

Main Projects

snarkVM is a virtual machine designed for zk, developed by Aleo. It provides a secure and private environment for running verifiable computations on the blockchain. It is a critical component of Aleo’s decentralized architecture, facilitating scalable and private applications.

Key Features

  1. Zero-Knowledge Proofs: snarkVM leverages advanced zero-knowledge proof systems to enable private and verifiable computations. It supports zk-SNARKs.
  2. Modular Design: The virtual machine is designed to be modular, with components for algorithms, circuits, console interactions, ledger management, and more. This modularity allows developers to customize and extend the functionality of snarkVM.
  3. Compatibility with Rust: It is written in Rust. This choice ensures that snarkVM can handle the computational demands of zero-knowledge proofs while maintaining high security standards.

About the zkVM

The zkVM operates as the execution layer for Aleo, running smart contracts and decentralized applications with built-in privacy features. It allows developers to write programs in Leo — Aleo’s programming language — which compiles down to zk circuits executed by the VM.

Technical Architecture

  • Components: snarkVM is composed of several critical components. The Circuits component handles arithmetic and logical operations for creating zero-knowledge proofs, while the Curves deal with elliptic curves crucial for cryptographic operations, and Fields manage finite field arithmetic necessary for zk-SNARKs. The Ledger component maintains the blockchain’s state, including transactions and smart contract data. Metrics offer performance monitoring tools, and Parameters configure cryptographic settings. The Synthesizer generates zero-knowledge proofs, Utilities provide supporting functions, and WASM Support enables the VM to run in web environments, enhancing its versatility and accessibility.
  • Integration with Aleo: snarkVM is tightly integrated with Aleo’s broader ecosystem, including snarkOS, a decentralized operating system for running zkApps. Developers can deploy their applications on Aleo using snarkVM to handle the underlying zero-knowledge computations.


While specific partners for snarkVM are not detailed, its development and integration within the Aleo ecosystem highlight collaborations with key stakeholders in the zero-knowledge proof and blockchain communities.

Use Cases

  1. Private Smart Contracts: snarkVM enables the creation of smart contracts that maintain user privacy by leveraging zero-knowledge proofs — similar to Aztec Network.
  2. dApps: Developers can build decentralized applications on Aleo using snarkVM to ensure private and verifiable interactions.
  3. Cross-Chain Interoperability: snarkVM can facilitate cross-chain interactions by providing a private execution environment for transactions spanning multiple blockchains.

Further Reading

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